I've always known that happiness is a choice.......

NOW wellness is too!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What Does Allowing Really Mean?

In the last few weeks I have been doing any experiment. I have known for the longest time that if we are to manifest the things we are really wanting in our lives we are to ALLOW. I thought I understood this but many times caught myself doing the opposite. I’m sure you all know what I mean. Then what happens when you catch yourself? You make it bigger by chastising yourself, beating yourself up, and by trying really hard to figure out HOW to do it so you will “do it right” next time.

All of these things, by the way, are very far away from the vibration of allowing. So I started to take it easier on myself. I started to appreciate the little things along the way. Like talking to myself like this,

“Oh dear, did I just say that? Well good for me for noticing, I’ve come a long way. I use to do that all the time and I had no idea it was perpetuating my reality. Now I know more about it. I am so excited that I am more aware these days and I know I influence everything in my experience. I love knowing this and practicing it, and getting better, and better at being it. I can see how it is changing my life. I love my life.”

When you have a self chat like that instead of beating yourself up when you goof-up you will be easing into a place you have not gone before. It will come more naturally every time after that. After you consciously start doing this you will even get excited when you slip because you will have another chance to practice. Then one day you will notice that you have not slipped up for a very long time. A smile will come over your lips and you will be feeling really good about it all.