I've always known that happiness is a choice.......

NOW wellness is too!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Drink Your Spinach

I have been sliding into the Raw Foods way of life since this spring when I watched the Ortner family, Nick, Jessica, and Alex present a DVD they had produced called Raw for Life. This began my search for better nutrition through using green leafy food in a new way, blended or juiced. I loved it right from the beginning.
Today I have noticed that I have gone through a few stages along the way, and I’m sure there will be more to come. The first few times I made a smoothie I prepared a lot of food to eat with it. I no longer do this. One smoothie goes a long way I have learned. It has so much nutrition that you don’t need a lot of it. And it is the right kind of food for you body, so if you are hydrated enough, and not taking in a lot of sugar you will probably not get hungry for about 4 hours.
Another milestone is when you start craving the chlorophyll taste. At the beginning you may not like it but it grows on you. You can hide that taste with Agave, honey and fruits to begin with. Then just add less and less sugars and fruit over time. Bananas are very good for covering that taste. I no longer put sugars in, but I am still using a few fruits, and more greens.
When you begin I think it is important to never force yourself to eat anything. What ever you try must be fun and taste good. Giving up the foods that you grew up eating is like pushing against a very solid wall. I would recommend eliminating a few things at a time. Most can give up meat fairly easily, but dairy products are a bit harder. White cane sugar can first be replaced by better alternatives like Agave nectar, or Honey. Bread is another tough one for some. I was able to just stop buying it because I have no one else eating here. But still I ended up buying a few loaves of Chinese milk bread as I walked by a T&T. That was 3 weeks ago and I still have most of it in my freezer.
If you decide that Raw Foods are what you want to eat you might begin by buying a good book or two. I bought David Wolfe’s Superfoods, Sergei and Valya Boutenko’s Eating without Heating, and Green Smoothie Revolution by Victoria Boutenko (Sergei and Valya’s mother).
There is also a lot of videos and info on the internet. A friend turned me onto Dan the Regenerator, and Dave the Raw Food Trucker. These two are making videos all the time, giving recipes, and sharing info. Awesome!

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