I've always known that happiness is a choice.......

NOW wellness is too!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

No Such Thing as a Germ

What I believe about my health has DRAMATICALLY changed over the years. I remember the many stages I have gone through. Each of them a place of better understanding, and appreciation for knowing more. Today I find myself at another, very new to me, perspective that is even better than the last. First I will tell you the other perspectives that brought me to this one.
Many years ago when I was working for other people I felt overly responsible for my position and for me it would be too much pain to feel the guilt of being sick from work, so knowing about the power of my words I would state to myself all the time, “I only get sick on the weekend” And sure enough that is exactly what happened. I didn’t miss any days of work, but I still got sick on my own time.
I think I’ve always had the belief that you just don’t get sick in the summer. I remember hearing about friends having a cold in August and it felt unbelievable to me. It’s like I must think that germs and viruses just vanish in the nice weather.
This eventually led me to thinking and believing that we all get sick now and then so I choose to limit to only once a year. I felt I was powerful enough to keep it away, but I guess I felt it was only fair to give into it once a year. What a weird thing to think now that I see it from where I am now. As if I knew I could influence my health but I felt like I was cheating so I gave myself a penalty for being healthy. BY the way, you guessed it, my health followed my thinking and I would only get sick once a year.
I eventually figured that if it is all about germs and viruses then I just have to avoid the little critters to stay healthy. This went hand in hand with my new understandings in building up my immune system through better nutrition, rest, and exercise. DURING THIS phase I would be scrupulous about washing hands and touching things. Working around small children all the time is, as a friend of mine says, like working in a Petri-dish. I would never eat around the children for fear of transferring those germs into my own system. Through this thinking I feel I actually took a step backwards because there are just too many moving parts to be in control of, and of course you are going to slip up. And sure enough I would slip up and would be sick now and then and I would then look back to what I did to cause it. I always found it to be some instance when I had let down my guard.
I think many people are at this place now. These days many people are getting into eating better and taking better care of their bodies. This is a great thing and I am not saying there is any thing wrong in this. But I will say that this is still a limited way of perceiving our true power.
Another big leap came when I adjusted my reaction to the symptoms of what I used to call the beginning of being sick. Where I used to say “Dam, I messed up and caught something, now I am sick”, I instead started saying, “Good I feel my immune system working.” Then I would send my immune system my love and appreciation for giving me the signs of a wonderful system that keeps me healthy. I am not kidding you it has happened a half dozen times now and each and every time my symtoms just disappear within hours.
This brings me to what I just discovered,
Listening to a series of health lectures I heard Larry Crane say “there is no such thing as a germ”.
“Interesting”, I thought. Then I really thought about it. Actually I really like that. Could it be true? Well, what do I know about reality. I know that we create our own reality through the thoughts we think and the way we perceive our environment (this environment that is made up of energy). So I am convinced that Larry is right, there are no such things as germs. And it would be in my best interest to think about that as much as possible. So I am.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Drink Your Spinach

I have been sliding into the Raw Foods way of life since this spring when I watched the Ortner family, Nick, Jessica, and Alex present a DVD they had produced called Raw for Life. This began my search for better nutrition through using green leafy food in a new way, blended or juiced. I loved it right from the beginning.
Today I have noticed that I have gone through a few stages along the way, and I’m sure there will be more to come. The first few times I made a smoothie I prepared a lot of food to eat with it. I no longer do this. One smoothie goes a long way I have learned. It has so much nutrition that you don’t need a lot of it. And it is the right kind of food for you body, so if you are hydrated enough, and not taking in a lot of sugar you will probably not get hungry for about 4 hours.
Another milestone is when you start craving the chlorophyll taste. At the beginning you may not like it but it grows on you. You can hide that taste with Agave, honey and fruits to begin with. Then just add less and less sugars and fruit over time. Bananas are very good for covering that taste. I no longer put sugars in, but I am still using a few fruits, and more greens.
When you begin I think it is important to never force yourself to eat anything. What ever you try must be fun and taste good. Giving up the foods that you grew up eating is like pushing against a very solid wall. I would recommend eliminating a few things at a time. Most can give up meat fairly easily, but dairy products are a bit harder. White cane sugar can first be replaced by better alternatives like Agave nectar, or Honey. Bread is another tough one for some. I was able to just stop buying it because I have no one else eating here. But still I ended up buying a few loaves of Chinese milk bread as I walked by a T&T. That was 3 weeks ago and I still have most of it in my freezer.
If you decide that Raw Foods are what you want to eat you might begin by buying a good book or two. I bought David Wolfe’s Superfoods, Sergei and Valya Boutenko’s Eating without Heating, and Green Smoothie Revolution by Victoria Boutenko (Sergei and Valya’s mother).
There is also a lot of videos and info on the internet. A friend turned me onto Dan the Regenerator, and Dave the Raw Food Trucker. These two are making videos all the time, giving recipes, and sharing info. Awesome!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

What Does Allowing Really Mean?

In the last few weeks I have been doing any experiment. I have known for the longest time that if we are to manifest the things we are really wanting in our lives we are to ALLOW. I thought I understood this but many times caught myself doing the opposite. I’m sure you all know what I mean. Then what happens when you catch yourself? You make it bigger by chastising yourself, beating yourself up, and by trying really hard to figure out HOW to do it so you will “do it right” next time.

All of these things, by the way, are very far away from the vibration of allowing. So I started to take it easier on myself. I started to appreciate the little things along the way. Like talking to myself like this,

“Oh dear, did I just say that? Well good for me for noticing, I’ve come a long way. I use to do that all the time and I had no idea it was perpetuating my reality. Now I know more about it. I am so excited that I am more aware these days and I know I influence everything in my experience. I love knowing this and practicing it, and getting better, and better at being it. I can see how it is changing my life. I love my life.”

When you have a self chat like that instead of beating yourself up when you goof-up you will be easing into a place you have not gone before. It will come more naturally every time after that. After you consciously start doing this you will even get excited when you slip because you will have another chance to practice. Then one day you will notice that you have not slipped up for a very long time. A smile will come over your lips and you will be feeling really good about it all.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

More Exciting Stories About Zero Point Energy

My life has been in overdrive since coming across the Amega Amwand in March. A couple of personal experiences, first I was at a business meeting in CA last week. On the second day I woke up with a splitting headache and I threw-up before heading down to the seminar starting at 8am. I wasn't going to miss it, I paid a lot of money for it! But I had to go back up to my room after only 10 minutes, as I felt like throwing -up again.
In the room I laid down with the pendant under my pillow and the two wands I have in the bed next to me, and went to sleep. I woke up at 11am feeling like I had never been sick. There wasn't a trace of feeling awful. So I rushed downstairs to join the seminar.
During a break a woman came up to me asking about the Amega wand. No one at this seminar had heard about the Zero Point stuff yet, so when the word got around that we had something unusual many came up to us asking about it. She had a bad headache so I wanded her. This was during a break so we didn't have much time. I decided to give her my pendant to wear remembering how well it helped me earlier. About 30 minutes later I was regretting that decision. I was starting to feel nauseous again. Bernie gave me his pendant to wear and then I was fine again.
During the four days of the conference I must have wanded about 10 people. Everyone was very positive about it and most said they felt heat or movement in their body during the wanding.
One of the women we met had a bad back and has been using a magnetic mat for about a year. I was surprised to hear that in that time she still has to use it so often.

The next experience I had was a car accident yesterday. I have been driving for 35 years and have never had an accident. Yesterday while going through a four way stop I was struck by a truck that failed to stop. He hit me at the back passenger wheel area, and the impact spun the van 360, I was thrown sideways into the middle of my car. I felt OK, I was after all wearing my pendant. A few hours later though my back started to feel sore all down my left side.
That evening I attended an Amega demo. Patrick wanded my back and I felt the pain slip away. This morning I woke up to no pain at all in my back. My van was a write off, so I am going car shopping this weekend. And I am so grateful I do not have to go through pain or suffering because of this.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pranic Healing

I am learnign about the energies of the body. Pranic Healing is a very good source of nformation about this. The book I have compares Pranic to Theraputic Touch, Reiki, and acupuncure. Looks like Pranic has a few advantages, these being the use of colour for specific problems, and is simple to learn and use.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

SuperBrain Yoga

Today as I was reading one of my books I got at the Library yesterday, Your Hands Can Heal You by Stephen Co, I was very intrigued and began doing a search for the author and more info. I watched the following video. Glad I found this. It is a very simple exercise that has many mental benefits. See the video for that too. The instructions are below, but if you watch the video first you will see how it is done. I intend to start doing this simple exercise each morning.

Step 1Face the sunrise. This form of yoga should be done in the morning, so that your concentration and stress relief will apply throughout the whole day. If you do not know in which direction the sun rises in relation to your room, wake up a little earlier than normal and watch before doing your yoga.

Step 2Take your left hand and hold your right earlobe with your pointer finger and thumb. Make sure that the thumb is facing away from you. Remove any jewelry before proceeding.

Step 3Take your right hand and hold your left earlobe with your pointer finger and thumb. Once again, make sure that your thumb is facing away from you, and remove any jewelry from this ear as well.

Step 4Continue to hold your lobes as you press your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

Step 5Inhale through your nose and slowly squat down to the ground.

Step 6Hold your breath and do not exhale until you start making your way back up to a standing position. Continue holding your lobes and sticking your tongue to the roof of your mouth as you perform this move.

Step 7Repeat this action 14 more times, for a total of 15. You may not notice a change immediately, but after a few weeks an improvement in concentration should become apparent.