I've always known that happiness is a choice.......

NOW wellness is too!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

More Exciting Stories About Zero Point Energy

My life has been in overdrive since coming across the Amega Amwand in March. A couple of personal experiences, first I was at a business meeting in CA last week. On the second day I woke up with a splitting headache and I threw-up before heading down to the seminar starting at 8am. I wasn't going to miss it, I paid a lot of money for it! But I had to go back up to my room after only 10 minutes, as I felt like throwing -up again.
In the room I laid down with the pendant under my pillow and the two wands I have in the bed next to me, and went to sleep. I woke up at 11am feeling like I had never been sick. There wasn't a trace of feeling awful. So I rushed downstairs to join the seminar.
During a break a woman came up to me asking about the Amega wand. No one at this seminar had heard about the Zero Point stuff yet, so when the word got around that we had something unusual many came up to us asking about it. She had a bad headache so I wanded her. This was during a break so we didn't have much time. I decided to give her my pendant to wear remembering how well it helped me earlier. About 30 minutes later I was regretting that decision. I was starting to feel nauseous again. Bernie gave me his pendant to wear and then I was fine again.
During the four days of the conference I must have wanded about 10 people. Everyone was very positive about it and most said they felt heat or movement in their body during the wanding.
One of the women we met had a bad back and has been using a magnetic mat for about a year. I was surprised to hear that in that time she still has to use it so often.

The next experience I had was a car accident yesterday. I have been driving for 35 years and have never had an accident. Yesterday while going through a four way stop I was struck by a truck that failed to stop. He hit me at the back passenger wheel area, and the impact spun the van 360, I was thrown sideways into the middle of my car. I felt OK, I was after all wearing my pendant. A few hours later though my back started to feel sore all down my left side.
That evening I attended an Amega demo. Patrick wanded my back and I felt the pain slip away. This morning I woke up to no pain at all in my back. My van was a write off, so I am going car shopping this weekend. And I am so grateful I do not have to go through pain or suffering because of this.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pranic Healing

I am learnign about the energies of the body. Pranic Healing is a very good source of nformation about this. The book I have compares Pranic to Theraputic Touch, Reiki, and acupuncure. Looks like Pranic has a few advantages, these being the use of colour for specific problems, and is simple to learn and use.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

SuperBrain Yoga

Today as I was reading one of my books I got at the Library yesterday, Your Hands Can Heal You by Stephen Co, I was very intrigued and began doing a search for the author and more info. I watched the following video. Glad I found this. It is a very simple exercise that has many mental benefits. See the video for that too. The instructions are below, but if you watch the video first you will see how it is done. I intend to start doing this simple exercise each morning.

Step 1Face the sunrise. This form of yoga should be done in the morning, so that your concentration and stress relief will apply throughout the whole day. If you do not know in which direction the sun rises in relation to your room, wake up a little earlier than normal and watch before doing your yoga.

Step 2Take your left hand and hold your right earlobe with your pointer finger and thumb. Make sure that the thumb is facing away from you. Remove any jewelry before proceeding.

Step 3Take your right hand and hold your left earlobe with your pointer finger and thumb. Once again, make sure that your thumb is facing away from you, and remove any jewelry from this ear as well.

Step 4Continue to hold your lobes as you press your tongue to the roof of your mouth.

Step 5Inhale through your nose and slowly squat down to the ground.

Step 6Hold your breath and do not exhale until you start making your way back up to a standing position. Continue holding your lobes and sticking your tongue to the roof of your mouth as you perform this move.

Step 7Repeat this action 14 more times, for a total of 15. You may not notice a change immediately, but after a few weeks an improvement in concentration should become apparent.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

All Healing Comes from Within

I have to apologize first for not finishing my blog yesterday. I got sidetracked as I often do, and forgot to get back to it. I do want to write about that subject, but first I want to write about something that has my attention today. I have been wondering about meridian points, the chakras, and learning about the known body energies that have been documented. I have picked up a book on Foot Reflexology, one on Acupuncture & Acupressure, and one on Healing with Hands. I have also been quite interested in EFT and Tapping lately too. Today I will write a bit about the Foot Reflexology first.
I have been just touching different parts of my feet with my wand, and I feel a tingling sensation, more than I do on my palm. When I first got my wand I did feel this tingling in my feet, but I have never wanded my feet before today. This should be interesting. I am going to wand the points on my foot and report on what I find.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Zero Point ENergy and Scalar, What's the Difference?

There is a difference in Scalar and Zero Point Energies. Scalar has been around for a while. It is the technology with magnets.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Neat Scanner My New Toy

Just bought a receipt scanner today. If you know me, you know that I HATE receipts. With four businesses those receipts are multiplying like rabbits. I have been wanting to get a receipt scanner for a long time now, just wanted to get the right one and have the time to learn how to use it. Well I still don't have the time to learn to use it, but I will have to plough through it anyway. It is a cute little thing, costing about $160 at Costco. I really hope it will bring more fun to my book keeping experiences. I don't believe I just said that.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Amega & other wands Review Website

Found this site today that talks about many different kinds of lasers and wands. They have created a bunch of videos, but I find that they are hard to follow. Most are only about 30 seconds, or a few minutes. There was one that could have been a good demo of a arthritic dog being wanded, but the video stopped during the wanding so you don't get to see what happens. Most videos are just asking people if they feel sensations or a taste difference, and the pain demos, most are not wanded for very long at all. Overall a very hard to follow review because they don't really tell you which wand is which. They do rate the wands and have one wand coming higher than the Amega wand. Take a look maybe you can make some sense of it.
The page on pendants was not to hard to read. I am beginning to realize that I don't know very much about the history of all this scalar and magnetic energy in healing. I think I am going to do a bit of investigating.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My First Wanding Day

Yesterday I wanded three different people. First a friend of mine, her son had a terrible condition that had sent him to the hospital for a week. The condition had subsided but he was left with a sore leg. She had also hurt herself. Her little finger had been crushed with a heavy chair falling on it. I will call her today and find out how they are doing.
Then I went out to a Women in Business networking meeting to meet some new friends. I took my wands with me to show them and ended up wanding a woman that had sciatic pain. Wanded her for a little while and passed the other wand around. At the end of the evening this woman call over to me and said her pain was gone, and she wasn't sure if it was the wand or the excitement of the evening, but if it was gone tomorrow she was going to be telling everyone about this wand. Then she gave me a great big hug. Wow this is so uplifting to be a part of something so positive. I can't wait for my next interaction.
I really don't like being in the spot light, so I guess that is why when I got home I started getting a visual disturbance which means a migraine is coming. I quickly got ready for bed, hoping I could fall asleep before it began. As I covered myself up, I realised that I don't have to ever worry about the pain of a migraine again because I have at the tip of my fingers a wand that will remind my body of it's true source. I smiled as I put one wand beside me and the other one under my pillow. I fell asleep right away. Today I woke up feeling healthy and alive, as usual.
I Love my life!