I've always known that happiness is a choice.......

NOW wellness is too!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Knock Off Wands & Amega Blogs

I just made a comment on a blog I found


The Amega Wand topic has come up with a lot of comments. But I just noticed that the owner of the blog has not posted since that post. I will add more places to go to as I find them.

Another interesting thing that has come up is the knock off wands. They use the Amega name in the website, I guess just to create traffic, but they sell their wand for a very low price. There is a difference, and these other wands do not come from the same company. You will notice that there are no addresses or names on these sites. Here is a website that explains more about the differences in the wands.


Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Experimenting with the Wand

I have at least three experiments going on with my Amega Wand at the moment. I will post the results here when they are complete.

I just had a tiny cut on my finger, and it was a little infected so the skin was still open. I wanded it for a minute or two about a half hour ago. I just looked at it and when I bend it I can see that the skin has closed over. It is still red but when I press on it it doesn't hurt at all.
I'm off to bed now,

Monday, April 26, 2010

Buried under Bookwork

Don't you love this time of the year! It is great outside, everything is growing and blooming, and inside us crazy humans are knee deep in receipts, and bank statements. This year I have learned to delegate. I have my 16 y.o. daughter Rochelle entering those dam things into the books. She should be able to take over by September, and then I will be FREE!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What Can This Wand Do?

I have been doing lots of things with this Amega wand. It is generally not too far away from me during the day, and at night I place it on the bed pointing toward me. Things I have noticed:
I am drinking more water through the day.
I don't feel like drinking coffee so have stopped.
I have had a dramatic increase in vision. I have been only using my glasses to work on the computer.
The Roseacea on my face has gotten smaller, I will post the pictures when it is completely gone. I am taking pictures everyday.
When my eyes got sore just before bedtime last night I just circled each eye a couple times and they felt better.

I have no other injuries or pain so I will have to go out soon and start wanding others. I have a friend with a Nursing home I plan to go over there this week. I ave told her about it and she was interested in seeing it. Another friend has a son that is very sick. He was in the hospital for nearly a week. I will be going over there on Tuesday.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Entertainers had to work a lot harder for their money in those days. Do you know anyone this flexible?

The Vortexters

I have a group of friends from an Abe list that had the idea that we would text each other throughout the day to keep each other uplifted. It is so nice for me being by myself usually to hear that cell phone blip every once and a while and to know there are others out there virtually holding my hand through the day. I Even take my cell to preschool with me and I have told the kids about my friends. It's funny now when the blip goes off during class I have at least five kids scrambling to tell me one of my friends is talking to me. Realizing that we are all trying to stay in the vicinity of the vortex Linda came up with the name for our group, the Vortexters. There is a very special energy in getting together with a group of like minded friends. I did it once before at a time that I was starting a business, and I have to say I think it was a powerful influence to getting it going.
Keep smiling,

Friday, April 23, 2010

Best Results When Wanding

I found out something very interesting today concerning my Amega wand. I had been trying all day yesterday to wand away the pain in my shoulder. It is related to an old injury in my spine. I kept thinking that I just needed to get the right spot, but nothing I tried worked. Today I asked my daughter to wand it while I relaxed and shut my eyes. It was magic, in about 2 minutes it was gone. She also put the wand above my head just pointing down and I could feel a waterfall effect showering down on me. I was totally blown away. I will from now on insist that anyone being wanded relax and close eyes.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The things I am wanding with my AMega AMwand

I have had my Amega wand now for almost a week. Now that I have it I have been wanding everything with it. Water tasts amazing. Actually it is more than a taste it feels different. My sciatic pain has not come back. I had a hang nail one day and just touched the wand to it for about a minute and the pain was gone. The most exciting thing I am doing though is restoring my vision. I am wanding my eyes and my ability to see is increasing. I will wait until it is fully back to 20/20 to report it officially. Another thing I am working on is Roseacea that I have had on my face for the last 15 years. The area I am working on is getting smaller each day, and I have no doubt that it will be fully cleared up by the end of this month.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sciatic Pain

This is the continuation of the Amega story. As I was saying, I had joined up with Amega because I was blown away by this device that can make pain disappear. Well apparently a lot of people were similarly taken with it because during the month of March 2010 there were so many orders for the products that everything got bunged up. Everyone was waiting for orders, then people were signing up and the merchant account which was stationed in Singapore was not working properly and all kinds of problems were happening. Some orders were being charged twice. I think it was just a case of the company being unprepared for such fast growth. But to Amega's defence, they worked hard night and day to resolve the glitches, and by mid April had a new Merchant account in United States, and had hired very qualified people to handle the different aspects of organising such a large project.
I, however, was still waiting for my wand some 5 weeks after I placed my order. I am telling you all this because I did, through out this time, have sciatic pain. It had started back in November 2009 and was usually with me every day getting gradually worse through the day. After that first demo I went to the pain suddenly went away and that lasted for a few days. When it came started to hurt again I was almost happy about it, because I wanted to use my own wand to take this pain away.
Well it wasn't to be. I went to another demo the first week of April, taking my daughter and boyfriend. This time I again sat right near the presenter. And again my sciatic pain went away just being in the vicinity of this energy. I didn't realize it until a day later that my pain had left. This time it never came back, and it has been over 10 days since then. I was a bit disappointed because I did want it to be one of the things to use my wand on. Oh well, I was happy the pain was gone.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

There are lots of things growing out there in my backyard. Haven't had much chance yet to look after it, but it looks like it is doing alright without me. My Olive Tree is still alive, and the Lillies of the Valleys are flowering this year. They are in the second picture.

Tulips are just opening. I hope the Mickey Mouse ones come up this year. I am also hoping that the Irises bloom this year, I moved them thinking they did not get enough hours of sunshine last year.

To see more of my garden pictures go to my flickr page

Be Prepared to be Amazed

My intention with this blog is to chronicle my experiences with my Amega AMwand.

I first heard about Amega and this technology at a demo. I only knew that it had something to do with pain relief, and I was told to be prepared to be amazed. Knowing it was some healing modality I took a good friend with me, one who has a number of health concerns. As we sat in the over- crowded room we did watch in amazement as the effects of this technology seemed very miraculous. Most relevant to me was that my friend who had carpal tunnel and other injuries to her wrist was wanded, and her relief was evident. Also I had sciatic pain in my right leg and it had suddenly disappeared (I had been sitting right beside the presenter).

As we walked out of that first demo we were both already deciding not if we were going to purchase something, but which tool - wand or pendant.

We were good though we slept on it for a few days. During those few days I knew this was something that was going to not only change my world but everyone's world. Have you ever been one of the first ones to see something really important? I was excited, I was wanting everyone to know about this, I was curious and read everything I could get my hands on.

Having studied Electronics I had already been drawn into quantum physics years ago. I knew that it was common scientific knowledge now that all matter is made up of nothing but energy. I had heard about the quantum vacuum but never really went into that far. As I did my research and uncovered lots of interesting stuff, from inventions of zero point energy generating power to run motors, to The Hutchison Effect.

About 3 days after seeing the demo I decided to not only buy a wand, but to also become a distributor. I have tried Network Marketing in the past and sadly realised I was not a salesman. I had vowed not to ever do it again. I chose to sell the wand because, not only is it an item that sells itself, but I will be on the front lines of taking this new technology to the world. I see this as a revolutionary change in the way we experience pain, and on a much larger scale the beginning of a evolutionary change in our species. I believe this is a stepping stone to a day when we will live more in harmony with ourselves and nature.